আসসালামু আলাইকুম, বর্তমানে একাউন্টিং ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেমে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং এবং বহুজাতিক কোম্পানী গুলোতে সবচেয়ে বেশি ব্যাবহ্রিত হচ্ছে ক্লাউড বেজড একাউন্টিং সিস্টেম- কুইকবুক অনলাইন, জিরো অনলাইন একাউন্টিং, কুইকবুক ডেস্কটপ । বর্তমানে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং মার্কেটপ্লেস ফাইভার, আপওয়ার্ক, ফ্রিল্যান্সার ডট কম ইত্যাদি মার্কেট প্লেসে এই সকল ক্লাউড বেযড একাউন্টিং সফটওয়্যার চাহিদা অনেক, এছাড়াও রয়েছে একাউন্ট ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেমে ভালো ইনকাম করার সু্যোগ। এছাড়াও ভার্চুয়াল একাউন্টেন্ট হিসেবে বহুজাতিক কোম্পানি তে কাজ করার সুবর্ন সুযোগ।
কাদের জন্য এই ট্রেইনিং?
১ যারা একাউন্ট ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেমে ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চান
২ উচ্চ বেতন গ্রেডে বহুজাতিক কোম্পানিগুলোতে ভার্চুয়াল একাউন্টেন্ট হিসেবে কাজ করার সুযোগ
৩ মাল্টিন্যাশনাল অর্গানাইজেশনে নিজের ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চান
৪ বিশবিখ্যাত ক্লাঊড বেজড একাউন্টস ম্যানেজমেন্ট সফটওয়্যার শিখার সুযোগ
৫ চাকুরি বাজারে অন্যদের থেকে নিজেকে এগিয়ে রাখতে চান
৬ অনার্স, মাস্টার্স, বিবিএ, এমবিএ শিক্ষার্থী, যারা চাকুরির জন্য চেস্টা করছেন এবং ফ্রিল্যান্সিং সেক্টরে নিজের ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চান
৭. বহুজাতিক কোম্পানিতে যারা কাজ করতে চান
আমাদের বৈশিষ্ট-
১। কুইকবুক এবং জিরো প্রোএডভাইসার সনদ প্রাপ্ত দক্ষ এবং ৫ বছরের অভিজ্ঞতা সম্পন্ন ট্রেইনার
২। সফটওয়্যার এর একাউন্ট ওপেনিং
৩। গ্রাফিকাল প্রেজেন্টেশন সহ বিস্তারিত হ্যান্ডবুক
৪। লাইভ ক্লাস রেকর্ডিং
৫। হোয়াটসাপ গ্রুপ
৬। কোর্স কপ্লিশন সার্টিফিকেট
৭। ২৪/৭ অনলাইন সাপোর্ট
৮। ফাইভার , আপওয়ার্ক এ একাউন্ট অপেনিং
৯। কুইকবুক ডেস্কটপ সফটওয়্যার
কোর্স ডিটেইলস-
১। ক্লাশ শুরুর তারিখ- ২২ জুলাই ২০২৩ (শনিবার)
২। সপ্তাহে ৩ দিন, শনিবার, সোমবার এবং শুক্রবার
৩। সময়- রাত ৮.৩০ থেকে রাত ১০.০০ পর্যন্ত
৪। কোর্স ফি- ২০০০ টাকা
৫। ক্লাশ মোড- অনলাইন (গুগল মিট)
৬। মোট ক্লাশ- ৪০ টি (কুইকবুক অনলাইন- ১০ টি ক্লাশ, জিরো অনলাইন- ১০ টি ক্লাশ, কুইকবুক ডেস্কটপ- ১২ টি ক্লাশ, মার্কেটপ্লেস- ৪ টি ক্লাশ, এডভান্সড এক্সেল- ৪ টি ক্লাশ)
কোর্স আউটলাইন দেখতে আমাদের ওয়েব সাইট ভিজিট করুন-
পেমেন্ট এর পর এনরোলমেন্ট ফর্ম টি ফিল আপ করুন-
Payment Mode-
Bkash No- 01846759208 (Send
Money Option)
Nagad No- 01670161272 (Send
Money Option)
Rocket- 016701612724 (Send
Money Option)
Bank A/C No- City Bank
Limited, Mouchak Branch, A/C No- 2302444489001
Quickbook Desktop-
1. Starting
Quick books Pro Accounting
a. Opening QuickBooks Pro Accounting
b. Identifying parts of the screen
c. Identifying menus and toolbars
2. Setting up QuickBooks
a. Identifying sections
b. Navigating in QuickBooks
c. Using EasyStep interview
d. Entering the information
e. Backup the information
3. Lists
a. Editing the chart of accounts
b. Working with customer list
c. Working with employee list
d. Working with vendor list
e. Adding custom fields
Managing lists
g. Printing lists
4. Working with Customers
a. Invoice
b. Sales Receipt
c. Sales forms
d. A/R Register
e. Memorizing sales
Entering a new service
g. Recording customer payment
h. Making deposits
5. Customizing forms
a. Creating a new template
b. Designing a custom layout for an invoice form
c. Using QuickBooks letter
6. Working with Vendors
a. Accounts payable
b. Enter bills
c. Pay bills
d. Write checks
7. Bank accounts
a. Entering checks directly
b. Bank account register
c. Entering a handwritten check
d. Transferring money between accounts
e. Reconciling checking accounts
8. Other accounts
a. Tracking credit card transactions
b. Asset accounts
c. Liability accounts
9. Analyzing financial data
a. Creating QuickReports
b. Preset Reports
c. Exporting to excel
d. Creating QuickInsight graphs
10. Sales tax
a. Setting up tax rates and agencies
b. Grouping single tax together
c. Identifying most common tax
d. Indicating who and what gets taxed
e. Applying tax to each sale
Determining what you owe
g. Paying tax agencies
11. Payroll
a. Setting up payroll
b. Adding payroll items
c. Setting up employee payroll information
d. Writing payroll checks
e. Tracking tax liabilities
Payroll taxes
g. Printing 940 and 941 forms
12. Estimating and progress invoicing
a. Creating jobs and estimates
b. Creating an invoice form an estimate
c. Projects reports for estimates
d. Updating job status
Xero Online Accounting-
1. Introducing XERO
a. What is XERO?
b. What are the Features of XERO?
c. What are the Uses of Xero?
d. Learn about Xero Center
e. Learn about Logins, Access and Pricing of Xero
f. How to Access to the Xero Demo Company?
g. How to Create a New Organization?
h. Learn about the Xero Dashboard
i. Learn about the Xero Menus, Icons & Tabs
j. How to get Help & Support from Xero?
k. How to Operate Xero Files?
2. XERO Setup
a. Learn about Organization Settings to set up a new
b. Learn about Financial Settings to set up a new company
c. How to Add a Tax Rate?
d. Learn about Email Settings
3. Charts of Accounts
a. What is a Chart of Accounts (COA)?
b. What are Account Input Fields?
c. How to Import a Chart of Accounts in Xero?
d. Process of Adding an Account
e. Process of Editing an Account
f. Process of Deleting an Account
g. Process of Archiving an Account
h. Process of Restoring an Account
4. Users
a. Process of Exporting a Chart Of Accounts from Xero
b. Learn about User Roles
c. How to Add an User?
d. How to Edit an User?
e. How to Remove an User?
5. Conversion Balances
a. What are Conversion Balances?
b. What is the Conversion Date and the importance of it in
c. How to Set the Conversion Date?
d. Learn about the ways of entering Conversion Balances in Xero
e. Learn about the ways of entering Comparative Balances in
6. Bank Accounts
a. What is Bank Accounts & Bank Feeds?
b. Process of Adding a Bank Account
c. Process of Adding a Credit Card
d. How to Archive a Bank Account?
e. How to Restore a Bank Account?
f. How to Create a Spend Money Transaction?
g. How to Create a Receive Money Transaction?
h. How to Create a Transfer Money Transaction?
7. Contacts-
a. Learn about Contacts of Xero
b. What are Contact Input Fields and how does it work?
c. Process of Importing Contacts
d. Process of Creating a Contact Group
e. Process of Adding a Contact
f. Process of Editing a Contact
g. Process of Archiving a Contact
h. Process of Restoring a Contact
i. Process of Exporting Contacts
8. Inventory-
a. What is Inventory?
b. What are Inventory Input Fields and how does it work?
c. Process of Creating an Inventory Item (Untracked)
d. Process of Creating an Inventory Item (tracked)
e. Process of Editing an Inventory Item
f. What are Opening Balances (Tracked Items) of Inventory in
g. How to Export Inventory Items?
h. How to Import Inventory Items?
9. Invoicing – Sales
a. How to process the Invoice Settings?
b. Get familiar with the Sales Dashboard
c. What are Invoice States?
d. What are Invoice Input Fields and How does it work?
e. How to Create a New Invoice?
f. How to Attach Files to Invoices?
g. Process of Editing an Invoice
h. Process of Copying an Invoice
i. Process of Voiding an Invoice
j. Process of Printing an Invoice
k. Process of Recording a Payment
l. Process of Sending Receipts
m. Process of Searching Invoices
n. What is Repeating Invoices?
o. How to Create a Repeating Invoice?
p. What are Credit Notes?
q. How to Create a Credit Note?
a. What are Quotes?
b. What are Quote Input Fields and how does it work?
c. Process of Creating a Quote
d. Process of Sending, Printing and Deleting a Quote
e. Process of Accepting or Declining a Quote
f. Process of Copying Quotes
11. Purchase
a. Get familiar with the Purchases Dashboard
b. Process of Creating a New Bill
c. Process of Attaching Files to Bills
d. Process of Editing a Bill
e. Process of Copying a Bill
f. Process of Voiding a Bill
g. Process of Recording a Payment
h. What are the ways to Search Bills?
i. How to Create a Repeating Bill?
j. How to Create a Credit Note?
12. Purchase Order
a. Process to Create a Purchase Order
b. Process of Editing or Deleting a Purchase Order
c. Process of Marking a Purchase Order as Billed
d. Process of Copying a Purchase Order
13. Expenses Claims
a. What are Expense Claims?
b. Process of Creating an Expense Claim
c. Process of Editing and Viewing Expense Claims
d. Process of Submitting an Expense Claim
e. Process of Approving an Expense Claim
f. Process of Declining an Expense Claim
g. Process of Paying an Expense Claim
h. How to Search for Previous Claims?
14. Reconciliation
a. What is Reconciliation and the process to do it?
b. Get to know about the Reconciliation Screen
c. What is Cash Coding?
d. What does Bank Statement (Tab) contain?
e. What does Account Transactions (Tab) contain?
f. What is Matching and how to do it?
g. What are Prepayments in Xero?
h. What are Overpayments?
i. Process of Creating Spend and Receive Transactions
j. How to Transfer between Bank Accounts?
k. How to generate Reconciliation Report?
15. Fixed Assets
a. What are Fixed Assets in Xero?
b. What are Fixed Asset Input Fields and how does it work?
c. How to Set Asset Types?
d. How to Set the Fixed Asset Start Date?
e. Process of Creating a Fixed Asset
f. What is Depreciation?
g. How to Run Depreciation in Xero?
h. How to operate Rolling Back Depreciation in Xero?
i. What is Selling And Disposing of Assets?
16. Payrun-
a. How to use payrun in Xero?
b. How to Create Pay Items?
17. Project
a. How to Create a Project in Xero?
b. Process of Creating a Project
c. Process of tasks, Expenses, Invoice
18. Reports
a. What are Reports and how to operate them on Xero?
b. What are the different Common Reporting Functions?
c. What is the way to Save a Report (Draft)?
d. What is the way to Publish a Report?
e. How to Export a Report?
f. How to Create a Budget?
g. How to Import a Budget?
h. How to Export a Budget?
Quickbook Online
1. Introducing QuickBooks Online
a. What is QuickBooks Online?
b. What are the Features of QuickBooks Online?
c. Learn about QuickBooks Center - What does it contains?
d. Learn about Client Switcher - How to switch multiple
e. Learn about Navigation Panel and Quick Create Options
f. Learn about Gear Icon to set up and modify lists &
g. How to Manage Users?
h. How to Import Data/Export Data in Quickbooks Online?
i. How to Navigate QuickBooks Online?
j. What are Custom Form Styles?
k. Learn about Sales Center
l. Learn about Expense Center
m. Learn about Employee Center.
n. What is a Chart of Accounts (COA)?
o. How to Create New Accounts?
p. How to Delete/Inactivate Accounts?
q. How to add Taxes/VAT?
r. Learn about Apps Center
Managing Sales &
a. How to work with Customer Center?
b. How to Create a New Customer?
c. How to enlist Products & Services into Quickbooks
d. How to Track Inventories?
e. How to Create an Estimate?
f. How to Convert an Estimate to an Invoice?
g. How to Create Invoices?
h. How to Receive a Payment?
i. How to Deposit Undeposited Funds?
j. What are the options to Create Credit Note?
k. What are the ways to Create Sales Receipts?
l. How to Create Refund Receipts?
m. Learn the ways to Explore the Sales Center?
Managing Suppliers &
a. How to work with Supplier’s Center?
b. Learn and Understanding the Supplier’s Bar
c. How to Create new Suppliers?
d. How to Create Purchase Orders?
e. How to Create a Bill?
f. How to Create Expenses?
g. How to Create Cheque?
h. What are the ways to make Payments?
i. What is Supplier Credit?
j. How to enter a Credit Card Credit?
Managing Employee, Lists
& Tools
a. How to Create a New Employee?
b. How to Create a Time Sheet?
c. How to Create a Billable Time Chart?
d. What are the process of Transfer Funds?
e. How to Record a Journal Entry?
f. Learn to Create Customer Statements
g. Learn to do Inventory Quantity Adjustment
h. Learn to do Pay Down Credit
i. How to record Recurring Transactions and templets of
Recurring Transactions
Bank Reconciliation
& Others
a. Learn to Get Bank Feeds
b. How to Create a Bank Rule?
c. What is the process of Bank Reconciliation?
d. Learn the Steps of Reconciliation
e. Learn about Budgeting
f. How to set Multicurrencies?
Special Features
a. How to process Write Off Invoices?
b. How to do QuickBooks Clean Up?
c. How to do Projects in Quickbooks Online?
a. How to generate Reports in QuickBooks Online?
b. How to Customize Reports?
c. How to generate Management Report?
d. How to Print and Email Reports in QuickBooks Online?